TIU Fine Arts Festival

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

All submitted work will be entered into the Trinity Arts Coffee House competition as well as considered for publication in The Trillium.

Submit your work in the appropriate category below. Read category instructions carefully. All written work should be double-spaced in a standard 12pt font.

Be sure your Submittable account info is accurate, especially your e-mail. DO NOT include your name anywhere on the submission file(s). Create a new entry for each submitted piece.

N.B.: By submitting your work below, you are verifying that (1) you are a student or family member at Trinity International University, (2) the work you submitted is original to yourself or your child and you have rights to distribute it, and (3) you agree to its publication in The Trillium should it win a judged prize or be selected by the editorial board.

TIU Fine Arts Festival